Henry graduated with a Masters in Physics from Oxford in 2018. His final year saw him take papers in Condensed Matter Physics, Laser Physics and Quantum Information Processing as well as constructing a 30MHz pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer capable of identifying instances of `petrol stretching` - the illegal cutting of fuel at pumping stations with kerosene to increase profits. Henry joined the Centre for Doctoral Training in Ultra Precision Engineering in 2018
- Institute for Manufacturing
- 17 Charles Babbage Road
- Cambridge CB3 0FS
- Artificial Intelligence
- Asset Management
- Business Model Innovation
- Computer Aided Manufacturing
- Decision-Making for Emerging Technologies
- Design Management
- Digital Manufacturing
- Distributed Information & Automation Laboratory
- Fluids in Advanced Manufacturing
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- Industrial Photonics
- Industrial Resilience
- Industrial Sustainability
- Inkjet Research
- Innovation and Intellectual Property
- International Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Industry Education Research
- NanoManufacturing
- Science, Technology & Innovation Policy
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- Technology Management
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- University Commercialisation and Innovation Policy Evidence Unit