Haihui graduated with an MEng in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Edinburgh in 2020. During her studies, she completed an internship at Bosch Rexroth in the Application Engineering Department, where she worked upon radial piston motors for hydraulic machinery including agricultural and forestry applications. She also completed her MEng project with Bosch Rexroth focusing on the modelling of a hydraulic valve. Following this, she joined the AgriFoRwArdS CDT to pursue a PhD in Agri-food robotics.
- Institute for Manufacturing
- 17 Charles Babbage Road
- Cambridge CB3 0FS
- Artificial Intelligence
- Asset Management
- Business Model Innovation
- Computer Aided Manufacturing
- Decision-Making for Emerging Technologies
- Design Management
- Digital Manufacturing
- Distributed Information & Automation Laboratory
- Fluids in Advanced Manufacturing
- Healthcare
- Industrial Photonics
- Industrial Resilience
- Industrial Sustainability
- Inkjet Research
- Innovation and Intellectual Property
- International Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Industry Education Research
- NanoManufacturing
- Science, Technology & Innovation Policy
- Strategy and Performance
- Technology Enterprise
- Technology Management
- Service Alliance
- University Commercialisation and Innovation Policy Evidence Unit