Through-life management of industrial assets
Dr Ajith Parlikad will discuss the key challenges in asset management and the role of emerging information technologies in improving the way in which assets are tracked and managed.
In today's world, industries are under increasing pressure to reduce costs, cut emissions, meet tougher performance and production targets, comply with regulatory requirements, and maximize return on investment. Effective management (selection, maintenance, inspection and renewal) of physical assets such as equipment and infrastructure plays a key role in determining the operational performance and profitability of companies that operate assets as part of their core business. Companies with vision are looking for opportunities to reduce the cost of maintaining their assets, improve the performance and extend the life of those assets, speed up information and decision making, and gain competitive advantage. Dr Ajith Parlikad will discuss the key challenges in asset management and the role of emerging information technologies in improving the way in which assets are tracked and managed throughout their lifecycle.