Cambridge Service Alliance Industry Conference

Bridging to ‘new’ Service Technology
Digital fundamentally changes the competitive landscape for services firms. Technologies such as Cognitive Analytics, IoT, and BlockChain and practices like design thinking, Agile and devOps are enabling new business model opportunities, challenging organisational ways of working. At this event the speakers will be examining not only the technologies important for service delivery, but will be looking at what needs to be done in the short term to enable your organisation to be ready for these technologies. They will give examples of digital service strategy and will show how they create value through technology today and plan to do so in the future.
Issues facing services firms:
• Which technology enables service business model innovation?
• Which technology enables customer value creation? • Which technology enables the mitigation of risk for service firms?
• Which technology to use do integrate into the processes of our customers?
Attendees will understand the vision and current application of novel technologies within leading service firms. The speakers will describe how they are applying technology, create value and the journey they went through.
One Day Conference
This one day event is set designed for managers and senior executives involved in any aspect of the design and delivery of services for organisations. We will hear from some of the world’s leading firms and orgnaisations who have managed to make the shift to services and who are demonstrating the opportunities that delivering services utilising the new technologies available can afford.
The programme will be a combination of presentations from leading firms working in this area, along with panel discussions, and opportunities to network with other people who are tackling some of the issues digital disruption provides.
The day will commence at 08.45 and will wrap-up at 17.00.
Who should attend
The conference programme has been designed for senior managers and executives involved in any aspect of the design and delivery of services.
- General managers and directors
- Service directors
- Operations managers and directors
- Business development managers
- Global operations and service delivery managers
- Design and innovation managers
Five reasons to attend
- Network with leading global organisations who are making the shift to services
- Hear the real insights behind the headlines from leading firms
- Be among the first to learn about the Cambridge Services Alliance’s “Customer Value Canvas”
- Get practical advice on how to ensure your customers recognise the value your services provide
- Be inspired and refreshed, with new ideas and insights about successfully making the shift to services
Conference organisers
The Conference is organised and hosted by the Cambridge Service Alliance, a unique global partnership with industrial members who have an active interest in the shift to services. The industrial members are BAE Systems, Caterpillar Inc., IBM, Pearson and Zoetis. The Alliance also draws on members from across the University of Cambridge, primarily from the Institute for Manufacturing, the Judge Business School and other high quality institutions.
For further information please contact:
Event location
To book a place please contact us:
Lisa Barnett
IfM Education and Consultancy Services Ltd
17 Charles Babbage Road
Cambridge, CB3 0FS, UK
T: +44 (0)1223 766141
F: +44 (0)1223 464217
Event Timings
Date: 10 October 2017