Admission to Cambridge research degrees is managed by the University's Postgraduate Admissions Office. Full information about the programme and how to apply is available in the University's Graduate Student online prospectus.
The IfM is part of the Department of Engineering and offers the following research degrees:
- PhD in Engineering
- MPhil in Engineering
Details of the programmes can be found under the Department of Engineering listing in the Qualifications Directory. Further information about the PhD/MRes in Ultra Precision can be found on the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Ultra Precision webpages.
Developing a research proposal
Applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposed research topic with the potential supervisor concerned. It is advisable that you contact the potential supervisor to determine your potential suitability before completing the application forms. It is recommended that in the first instance, you send a short CV and brief description of your research interest.
Finding a supervisor
The IfM has a number of research areas clustered around research groups and centres. Each has one (or more) senior colleague(s) leading the activity and able to act as supervisor. A full list of potential supervisors and research areas is available on the Research Topics webpage. It is beneficial to contact your choice of supervisor before submitting your application to check their suitability and availability.
How to apply?
Applications can be made online and you will be able to monitor the progress of your application throughout.
When can I start?
We recommend starting in October (Michaelmas Term) as the introductory courses for research students are predominantly held during this term. However applications can be made for a January (Lent Term) start. Only in very exceptional circumstances are research students are admitted in April (Easter Term).
Deadlines for applications
Many supervisors only offer a limited number of places for research students and so an early application is encouraged. Early applications may be eligible for consideration for scholarships.
Further information about funding deadlines is available on the Graduate Admissions webpages on Application and Funding Deadlines.
In some cases funded studentships are advertised on and will be listed on our funding opportunities page.
There are a series of funding deadlines for international, EU and UK applicants in November, December and January for students wishing to be considered for these scholarships.
A number of scholarships including EPSRC doctoral training grants (for UK and EU students) are available for the best students.
Further information about funding opportunities can be found on the Graduate Admissions webpages Funding your study.
Graduate Studies at the Engineering Department
Some specific information about graduate studies at the Engineering Department is available here, and application forms may be obtained from
IfM graduate applications contact
Your potential supervisor or the research centre administrator will often be able to answer most queries regarding your application.