Current DIAL Research Projects

Industrial uses of internet of things

An early initiator of the ‘internet of things’ concept, DIAL is examining its role in manufacturing.


Integrated Design, Manufacturing and Assembly D(FMA)2

This project aims to investigate how can we improve the resilience of novel construction elements and their associated design and manufacturing processes.


Predicting Supply Chain Failures with Big Data

A 3-year project funded by Boeing, aims to look at challenges that manufacturers face if suppliers do not deliver an assembly or component on time and at the right quality.


Resilient Architectures for Design and Manufacture

A 4-yer project funded by the Department of  Business Innovation and Skills looks at ‘how the resilience of novel construction elements and their associated design and manufacturing processes can be improved'?


The Cambridge Auto-ID Lab

One of seven Auto-ID Labs around the world working in the field of automated identification of objects in the supply chain. The Cambridge lab offers state-of-the-art industrial facilities for testing research developments.


Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction projects:


Asset Management

Whole-life management of infrastructure assets supports through-life decision-making and information management for infrastructure assets, such as buildings and rail and sewage networks.


Infrastructure Futureproofing

Understanding and developing both the ability of infrastructure to be resilient to unexpected or uncontrollable events [e.g. those associated with climate change] and also the ability to adapt to required changes in structure and / or operations of the infrastructure in the future [e.g. expansion of capacity, change in usage mode or volumes] is challenging due to an uncertain future.


Information Futureproofing

The amount of information created and used in infrastructure and construction sectors is huge and diverse by nature. Organizations need to understand specific requirements for efficient information management throughout infrastructure life cycles and their supply chains.


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