
Ian Bamford

Commercial Director

Prior to joining Cambridge, Ian had 25 years of industry experience, working at senior levels in multinational companies such as Dell, Philips and Groupe Bull, as well as setting up and running small and mid-sized technology and consulting businesses in the USA and the UK.

At Cambridge he is responsible for the conversion of research into commercial impact. Over the past 11 years he has worked with 100’s of companies driving sustainability transformation using tools such as: business model innovation,  scenario based strategies, sustainable value analysis and sustainable performance methodologies. He set up and runs an accelerator program for agri-tech and food-tech start ups and started the Sustainability Association to assist manufacturing companies to learn from each other and conduct short research sprints to accelerate their sustainability journeys. He is also the deputy director of the Centre and responsible for all operations and administration.

Contact Details

T: +44 (0) 1223 768209
M: +44 (0) 7718 517946
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